Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Super-mom 2020, will she be better than my mom?

I am lazing around at home with absolutely no work to do.. so this devil's mind realized that it had not posted anything on the blog for a long long time. So here it goes..

This is about the movie Sasirekha Parinayam which i happened to watch on TV this Sunday. Was an OK types movie with all the now popular antics and tantrums of Genelia. While watching the movie i realized how the characters in the movies change according to the changing behaviours and cultures in the real life.

The hero of this movie is Tarun(yes he has made a comeback after the chocolate boy stint of his in the early 2000s) and Genelia plays the female protagonist. 

I couldnt resisit doing an in-depth analysis of the kind of characters that were portrayed by them in the movie( yes i am that jobless now!).
The characteristics of the hero:
Calm and Composed
Cool head over shoulders
Atleast looks responsible
Has seen the outside world and understands its demands
Takes well thought out decisions

The characteristics of the heroine:
Throws tantrums
Not afraid to throwaway her marriage
Doesnt look very much exposed to outside world or feels the need to
Cute and intruguing(atleast for the movie)
Impulsive decisions
Irresponsible ( if u will)

Mind you this is not a one-off movie which has such character portrayals, this is something which has come to be a sort of norm while etching characters of a (Gult/Tam) movie nowadays.

As the cliche goes, "reel life imitates real life", i would put my money on you finding every other guy or gal on the street or in your neighbourhood having qualities similar to those listed above more or less.

I would clearly put a huge disclaimer that this is no male-chauvinist speaking here and i have just unbiasedly illustrated the change in the behaviour and characteristics of the X/Y/Z etc generation. 

Gone are the days where the girl would be subdued,shy and confined to her home and college, learn the errands at home ( give a helping hand to mom), a bit hesitant to voice her opinions, be ready to take on family responsibilities etc. In a way it is good that there has been great leaps in woman empowerment and the fairer sex is demanding its pound of flesh in the corporate jungle. But somewhere down the line i am really worried if the quintessential woman has lost those special qualities that we always admire in our moms who are:
Patient, Responsible, caring, multi-tasking, a true home maker, adjusting to situations et all
I really hope our future generations will continue to have such super moms which we were fortunate to have. 

At the same time i am not trying to drive home the point that all guys are like how Tarun is in the movie, but from whatever little experiences i have had IMO the current generation guys are far less chauvinistic ( i wont say that we've totally lost it :P), more open to adjusting, even if unorderly at times understand responsibility, yes the brashness remains but controlled one though. ( Yes i am going to get brick bats from the gals for this!)

I really want to see, if at all there is a sequel Sasirekha Parinayam - 2 where the couple get married and later have kids, i want to see how Genelia manages the show and the kind of chemistry the couple will have.

I really hope she kicks a$$ and forces me to put a foot into my mouth. :(

Go Genelia go!
Go New-age girl to be woman go!

Friday, January 23, 2009

E summit 2009

This is one event for which i have put my heart, sweat and blood for to make it happen.
Tomorrow is the event, hope it goes on well for the team..

Cant call this blogging but posted after a long time..
Totaly exhausted. I think inow i can put on my tshirt which reads "100% overworked"

Totaly swamped tomorrow:
1. my event
2. Wipro online test
3. Mom coming to Calcutta(yippie)