Saturday, April 28, 2007

Dreams do come true!!!

I have never seen feelings and expressions change so fast from one extreme to another extreme in a span of few hours. This i have experienced myself in the past two days.

I am sure you can figure out the total change in the tone of my voice from my last post. The last post was written in utter frustration. This one is written in the peak of euphoria and ecstacy.

Yes i have made it! Dreams really come true! I got the final selection into Indian Institute of Management - Calcutta and four other IIMs. But Calcutta is going to be my next destination and my place for the next two years. Slogging, mugging, analyzing, ideating, freaking, flirting and anything under the sun will be there. The very thought of it brings goosebumps to me.

When i was biting my nails over the thought of the final selections in the IIMs, my mind started going crazy and i started playing with words when a palindrome struck me which really depicited my situation at that time aptly. For starters, palindrome is any word which reads the same when read from left to right or vice versa. The palindrome that struck my mind was:


Wondering what that means. Watch it carefully, elaborating it in pure English it reads, "Am I in IIM ?". Funny is'nt it. Such wierd ideas strike you at the bizzarest points of time. But now to depict the situation i am in now, i will have to break the palindrome funda and rephrase it instead as


After 3 years in the IT industry from the fun we had in the ELTP training, elongated stint sitting on the bench(not the park's bench ok), going through all the troubles one can face in the first project itself, and then performing well constistently then on and leading a small team its been a long journey. But i had reached saturation and stagnation at some point of time, which drove me to dream for something big, different and challenging.

Then again there was a pattern of three lettered sets which changed the course of my thoughts and actions.. I have decribed them and explained how important and crucial they were(are) for me. Here goes the list

IIM - These are not just three letters, they are the most defining three letters which can totaly change the course of your life. The temples of management education in India.

CAT - These are another three letters. To put it bluntly if IIM is GOD, CAT is the priest.
These 3 letters lead to the golden gates of heaven ahem IIM.

ABC - No i am not learning English alphabets here. These are the 3 cities where the abodes of management education in India reside. Ahmedabad, Bangalore and Calcutta put in only in alphabetical order and not on any other basis. These 3 institutes are as different as Chalk, Cheese and Chinese. The most eminent managers in the world have graduated from these instis. Any budding manager will not bother to go beyond these 3 letters of English Alphabet.

HRD - Now comes the show spoiler. Human Resource Development is what is abreviated as this. But i have had serious doubts about the third letter from the happenings in the past few weeks. I would like to change it to Human Resource Destruction instead. The way in which they have handled the reservation issue, the nice puppet show that they have played with the IIMs and the games they have played with the careers of the student community.

Hey i just got a doubt. Am i awake or am i still dreaming. Anyone pinch me, is this really true. Oh no i cant feel that. I suddenly wake up from the dream to check if this really happened or if i am halucinating. I immediately opened the IIM Calcutta site and this was what brought smile onto my face.

IIM Calcutta Admission Status


You have been offered admission to the PGDM program.

Then i knew that "Dreams do come true"!!!!!!!!!!


Kapil said...

all the best dude. may your dreams come true!!!

Anonymous said...

The way to go

IThinkThereforeIam said...

hearty congratulations senior!
really happy fr u!
u give surprises galore!
1st Satyam...thn CAT thn IIM...rather IIM"S"... and now bloggggging!!!
DRastic changes man!!
anyways way to go!
and gud luck!!!